Supporting a Non-Profit Spin Out from Fiscal Sponsorship to New Independent Entities


The Ops Collective helped Demand Progress by:

  • Developing a spin out plan that detailed all of the necessary steps to complete the spin out process of transitioning from being fiscally sponsored to setting up and managing their own non profits

  • Supporting the management of the overall spin process to ensure all the necessary tasks were completed, and completed on time

  • Completing discrete tasks as part of the spin out which included identifying a professional employer organization (PEO) to manage all of their HR needs, hiring an operations manager, identifying an accounting partner, among other things.

Outcomes of our work together - helped to set their team and new entities up for operational success.

  • Helped set up operations under a newly established independent 501c3 and 501c4, after years of working with a fiscal sponsor.

  • Helped make what would appear to be a nearly insurmountable workload not only doable, but through problem solving and creating streamlined processes, we helped make the work enjoyable.

  • Supported all aspects of the spin from setting up benefits for their employees, created HR and internal policies, communicated with and supporting our staff, established accounting and finance systems, hired a new operations team member, worked with contractors, among other things.

  • Facilitated a nearly seamless transition for their staff during this phase and ensured they had the right operations infrastructure in place so their team can continue their programmatic work.


My nonprofit organization, Demand Progress, worked with The Ops Collective on the largest operations projects we’ve ever undertaken. The Ops Collective was integral in helping us set up operations under a newly established independent 501c3 and 501c4, after years of working with a fiscal sponsor. Under tight deadlines and amid innumerable tasks on our ‘to do’ lists, The Ops Collective made what could at times seem like a nearly insurmountable workload not only doable, but by problem solving and creating streamlined processes, they made the work enjoyable too.

The Ops Collective helped with everything from setting up benefits for our employees, creating HR and internal policies, communicating with and supporting our staff, establishing accounting and finance systems, hiring, working with contractors, and much, much more. They demystified complex questions, problem solved and set up processes to get the job done — and throughout, they were as committed and responsive as anyone we’ve ever worked with.

Not only are the Ops Collective big picture thinkers with the ability to see the different pieces that must come together, but they know the right questions to ask, the right resources to use, and they’re not at all hesitant to dive in with our team and do the actual work required. I can’t speak highly enough of the Ops Collective — there’s seemingly been no task too big or problem too complicated they haven’t been able to help us with. They’ve facilitated a nearly seamless transition for our staff during this phase and have ensured we have the right operations infrastructure in place so our team can do their work.

- Mark Stanley, Demand Progress


“Demand Progress works to achieve progressive policy changes for ordinary people by organizing deep grassroots campaigns, leading smart lobbying initiatives and leveraging our staff’s policy expertise.

We run online campaigns to rally people quickly and effectively to take action on the news that affects them — by contacting Congress and other leaders, funding pressure tactics, and spreading the word in their own communities.

We bring together large and diverse coalitions that transcend political lines and embrace shared progressive values — and utilize that backing to work effectively in Washington, providing an advocate for the public in all the decisions that affect our lives.”


Ramping up the operations of a newly launched foundation